Tuesday, June 15, 2010

[VIDEO] Key Talks About Onew's Musical


Question: What's the recent major event that happened around you?
Jonghyun: Show to them
Key: A major event happened recently? hm...
Jonghyun: a calm day?
Key: No,The last time I saw onew's new aspect
Interview: What do you mean?
Key: I saw his musical
Key: All of us went to see his musical, he looks
different as usual, it remained a strong impression on me.
Key: I felt fresh.
interview: Does it change how you see him?
Key: yes
Jonghyun: So it changes how you see him
Key: I was surprised because he is different from his usual-self
Interview: What do you think Onew-sshi?
Onew: Changes how he see me...
Key: I said no *laughs*
Onew: It's a strange feeling
Interview: So it's a fresh feeling
Key: Yes, I was surprised

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