Thursday, June 10, 2010

[UFO] 10.06.08 Key & Taemin UFO Reply

2010.06.08 16:10
Fan: [Jonghyun] Oppa, I miss you so much ㅜㅜ I wish you would comeback quickly...…
Key: We are going to soon!
2010.06.08 15:50
Fan: ★Tada! A voice message only for Gaeun-nim ★ Do one for me too, humph…
Taemin: Humph humph humph humph.. ㅋㅋ Should I?
2010.06.08 16:00
Fan: [Taemin] ♥.♥ Are you really going to leave me a voice message? Like a boyfriend with force!!!!
Taemin: Um… I’ll try ㅎㅎ But I’m not sure ㅠ
2010.06.08 16:02
Fan: [Taemin] Ah, really??? Please do, leave me a voice message! Forcefully in informal language!!!!!!
Taemin: I don’t want to!! Is that forceful? ㅎㅎ >0<
2010.06.08 16:07
Fan: [Taemin] ㅋ.ㅋ Things were going well, then >0<, what is that! This is cuter ♥♥ I have no choice~ I’m going to have to bring Taemin to live with me
Taemin: Raising me is difficult!

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