Monday, October 18, 2010

[TWITTER]Jonghyun was mentioned in Wheesung's Tweet

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“Really.. Because of Jonghyun.. I feel thankful and embarrassed. ha ha ha (its really k k k .. but its a laughing sound in korean) Ah, should my heart be fluttering..?” <—Couldn’t really think of how I could translate that. “설레다” is that kind of feeling when you have butterflies in your stomach or you feel sort of tingly? haha x) usually because you’re nervous but in a good way. it’s often used to describe the feeling of ppl who start to fall in love for the first time x) I hope you guys sort of get what it means.

Source: Wheesung’s Twitter

Translation Credit: gogogloria @ soompi

Info Credit : Forever_SHINee

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