Thursday, October 14, 2010

[TRANSLATE]SHINee Incindent at KIFF 121010

This news got nothing to do with Super Junior perhaps but because the other author went to watch SHINee at KIFF yesterday , it is not wrong to share.So I would love to tell what really happen yesterday.Me and the other author were the witness who saw SHINee came out from the stadium.So we all know the way in the stadium . Do take notice , Im not just talking and writing this but I also have proves , Im going to tell it to you all.

So, the concert ended around 9.30 , as soon as the concert over , we went out from the stadium quickly.Its so crowded.Suddenly , Shawols outside who already came out from the stadium shouted .The shawols who still in the crowded finding a way out quickly since they know SHINee will be late to get out from the stadium.As soon as we’re out , All shawols went to the right , so do me .Unluckily , there’s nothing.So i went back to front door , went in and gathered with my friends.Running back and forth and turned out to be nothing.Because Im tired of running , I decided to gather at the front door since the rumours said SHINee will came out through that door.

I’ve waited for a long time but there’s no SHINee appearance.Just waving from inside.Then , all the shawols shouted “ SHINee SHINee” and then they shouted “COME OUT COME OUT” but there were no use.Still , the place were so crowded .Because too tired of waiting , If we want to see SHINee , lets go to their bus .My friend agreed and we were walking . When we were on our way , from a small door , some shawol who were waiting there.Plus there were bodyguard and they ask us to be silent because they were afraid that more shawols will know SHINee will came out through that door.My friend and I waited there.We waited at the front line.After a few seconds, they ask us to make a way.

Around 9.00 , from inside , we could hear the shawols’s scream which was not too loud because there were only a few Shawols who know that SHINee will came out using that door.Almost all Shawols were waiting at other door.And finally, they were out.And i didn’t know who came out first . My friend said its Key, I didn’t see .What I saw is Jonghyun. And I did take a photo of him .

*Jonghyun only a little at the photo . he smile and he looked handsome*

Could you imagine at such a small place and the shawols surrounding there was almost 100 .The others were still waiting for SHINee at the other door.After Jonghyun came out, Shawols who were infront me and behind me still in control , Suddenly , from the back , So i have to hold them , actually i want take a lot of photo .Minho came out while eating lollipop.He was so handsome , I was shaking.Suddenly , from the opposite , Shawols out of control.Even the bodyguard cant control.We all were so desperate.I moved back , it was scary.The situation became more chaotic.This is the photo of Minho .

*Bytheway, while I’m still taking photos, Minho was so clear in front but because of the bodyguard who suddenly stand beside Minho, I could only capture a photo of that guard since he suddenly moved there. In front of Minho is Onew then Jonghyun but he was blocked by the bodyguard*

Then Its Taemin , and Taemin didn’t fall.He just crouched down and almost kneeled in front of me. *I tried to kneel in front * so I saw things cleared and he didn’t fall.And at the time he crouched down , he seems a little bit mad because being pushed by the shawols.He was late so situation there getting more chaotic . *Motor* besides me fell on my foot and I was busy getting it up back . And then Taemin was standing in front of me.I didnt see it clearly because its too crowded, He was handome.As my conclusion , He was pissed because they had to catch a flight which leave in two hours .

*Taemin was in the middle of the crowd*

And Onew , Im sure his hair was been pulled by the shawols , I spoke it honestly since I saw it with my own eyes and Onew looked a little pissed of cause his hair and his clothes been pulled , Although I didn’t have the photo as evidence , cause in that crowded ,How can I still take Onew’s hair been pulled photos ?? Pity Him.And My Friend still have to pull each other her marker with Minho ?? *Dont ask , How this could be.I don’t know and I don’t know why but my marker was hold by Taemin.

And one more thing , after Jonghyun passed,the situation was under control.So the news about he hurt his ankle because of Shawols’s rude act was not true.When he passed, We all still under control.Shawols started to be out of control when Minho passed .As the ordered : Key , Jonghyun , Onew , Minho and the last one is Taemin,

So i beg you not to blame Shawol indo as this is the fault of everyone there including the bodyguards . My opinion , the bodyguard was not fully prepared and also lack of coordination .Bodyguard,Im sorry ,its not that I wanted to bash or blame them but they were so rough in working and took a long time to finish.The situatin was crowded, there were shawols opposite me who were pulled and pushed each other.and at the end , fell when Taemin passed by.Conclusion,the situation was so chaotic.My friend and I happened to be standing at the front and we were holding up the shawols at the back because we felt pity the shawols in front of us. *baca :SHINee mo lewat* (I cant translate the one in ** cause i don’t understand that one)

Finally, I got out from there because the situation was totally out of control.A lot of flower pots fell and broke.According to the trusted source , Taemin just sat in the bus and looked super tired.Onew and Key were still in up and down situation in the bus.I didn’t know what were Jonghyun and Minho doing.And they are fine . They are fine with what happened because we Shawols were too enthusiastic to greet them. So it could be our prove how much the love of Shawols to SHINee eventhough if it was quite chaotic and out of control .

Tomorrow I'll post the photos of SHINee perfomance

ATTENTION ! This news is 100% true , Im not just simply talk and write . This is what happen last night and maybe the proves that I gave not much but that was ORIGINAL . So plesse dont believe any other gossips that are still spreading .Gomawo

By Author 3.


P/S : Im sorry if the translation is wrong . Im not Indonesian but luciky I know how to speak sometimes.So I tried and I did it .

Translation By : First Admin/Creator Qyho of MYShawols .

Via THIS / FennyFong @ Twitter

Credit : Forever_SHINee

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