Thursday, October 29, 2015

[PHOTO] 151029 Onew's Twitter/Instagram Update

할로위인파티 대단한분들
Trans : The great people of halloween party

cr : @skehehdanfdldi

[PHOTO] 151029 Jonghyun's Twitter/Instagram Update

스페로우 이누야샤 케이에프씨할배
Trans : Jack Sparrow Inuyasha KFC grandpa

Trans : Kilkil
Trans : Keureung keureung

헤르미온느랑 #세상에서젤예쁜예림이랑

Trans : With Hermione #WithThePrettiestYerimInTheWorld


Trans : Dumped Andy Warhol

라디오를 이렇게갈순없어서 퇴근! 웃겼다이번도
Trans : I can't go to radio (as dj) like this, so i am off! It was funny also this time

cr : @realjonghyun90

[PHOTO] 151029 SHINee in smtown_wonderland's Instagram Updates

cr : @smtown_wonderland

[PHOTO] 151029 Key's Instagram Update

TRANS : Competitor

우리매니져형이다 . 옷걸이가 중요하다니까
Trans : It's our manager hyung. Because the person who wears it is important

cr : @bumkeyk

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Saturday, October 24, 2015

[PHOTO] 151024 Key's Instagram Update

Trans : Thank you everyone for always cheering for us.


cr : @bumkeyk

[PHOTO] 151019 Jonghyun's Twitter Update

Trans : A mess *ke he (*laughing sound)
cr : @realjonghyun90

[PHOTO] 151023 Jonghyun's Twitter Update

Trans : Although all of you have heard this....really.....the album this time is...the best...lyrics is written well...the song is good too...every time when I go through the tracks, I can feel continuous amaze and surprise.

***The song recommended is IU's Twenty Three.

Trans : So they say they're going to reduce the school system in the beginning, middle, and end for induced birth... so they say they're going to produce a government textbook... After having a baby in such a policy, I would not have the confidence to raise [that child] into a human with a healthy mentality and body.  I'm not saying I do not want a child, rather I am scared to have a child.. (source : allkpop)

cr : @realjonghyun90

[PHOTO] 151024 Key's Instagram Update

good friends

cr : @bumkeyk

[PHOTO] 151024 Key's Instagram Update


you make me crazy crazy crazy craaaaazy yeah
cr : @bumkeyk

[PHOTO] 151023 Key's Instagram Update

mr waiting for something?

see you tmrw!!!! u-go-girlssss

cr : @bumkeyk

[PHOTO] 151021 Key's Weibo Update

#tastyroad #shooting

cr : @bumkeykM

[PHOTO] 151021 Key's Instagram Update


Trans : One more #taro

[PHOTO] SHINee November Calendar Wallpaper

cr : The Shilla Duty Free official site

[PHOTO] 151020 Key's Instagram Update

#테로 #tastyroad #테이스티로드

Trans : #taro #tastyroad #tastyroad

cr : @bumkeyk

Sunday, October 18, 2015

[VIDEO] 151018 Jonghyun instagram update

I love you

Source and credit: jonghyun.948

[PHOTO] 151018 Key instagram update

heading to #pushbutton #beyondcloset

fashion freaks !!



and there's my boy !!!!! @kibumee

back to normal

Source and credit: bumkeyk
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