Friday, November 12, 2010

[TRANS]Taemin's Interview in Kool Magazine

1. How did you become a singer?
I liked dancing since I was little. Watching performances of Korean sunbae singers or Michael Jackson, I was attracted to dancing and started practing at home by myself.

2. The most memorable episode since your debut?
The first music program we debuted. It is still vivid in my memory. When I was singing >>Onew[/b][/size][/color]

22. Onew's first impression?
He was caring and kind. Other people also say the same thing about him. "Onew-ssi is good with people and gentle"

23. What color would you compare him to?

24. One word to Onew-ssi!
All our members have unique personalities, so it won't be easy to be a leader. We sometimes play together, but he is the hardest worker. He is the busiest member now, but it's good to see him always show a smiling face to us. Onew-ssi, please, always stay as you are.

Original (Korean): DC
Trans by jujugal@soompi

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