Thursday, November 11, 2010

[TRANS]Key's Interview in Kool Magazine

1. Why did you chose to become a singer?
Key: Since I was young, my dream is to become a singer. But on the other way I have other dreams. For example, a painter/artists. Either way I always wanted to work relating to Art. My dream of becoming a singer is always there inside of me.

2. Since debut, What is your most memorable episode?

Key: I went to a CD shop and bought our first album. I still remember that time.

3. Besides Music, What are your other influences?

Key: Fashion and Art. It really gave me an “inspiration”. Some people think that it’s unrelated field but Visual is all about looks.

4. In the future, What would you like to challenge?
Key: Do our best in various activities as SHINee, My hope and dream is also that were going to experience a lot.

5. What is the first thing you’ll do when you wake up in the morning?
Key: I check my Cellphone and iPod.

6. What is your favorite Movie?

Key: “ただ, 君を愛してる” (Tada Kimi wo Aishi teru”) Ahh….When I think of it, This is a Japanese Movie. Also, “Dreamers”.

7. How about your favorite Anime and Manga?

Key: I like all of Ghibli’s work. “The Borrower Arrietty” was recently published right? I reaaaally love this movie. I was hoping that Arrietty really exists as much as I love it. Even my fans really know that I love Ghibli so much that they gave me a present for me relating to Ghibli. I want “Arrietty” as a present. A real and alive “Arrietty” (Laughs)

8. Your Favorite Word?
Key: I have a lot of favorite words. For Example, “In order to get 1% of inspiration, do your best for 99%”, “Efforts will always pay off”…

9. What do you do during Holidays?
Key: Meet my friends, Go Shopping and Lesson.

10. What is the most scary for you?

Key: I’m scared when I always think “I hate”. Once I think I hate doing this or like that, I didn’t want to do it anymore or get frustrated . Anyway relating to is scary and I’m worried.

11. What do you do in order to release your stress?

Key: Before my stress will accumulate, I frequently release it.

12. The most relaxing place for you?
Key: My Bed.

13. Domestic Artist you want to collaborate to?
Key: FT Island’s Jaejun. He is my very close friend. Also, Jaejun as a singer is a Senior and the first one to have activities in Japan so he really thought me a lot. Jaejun is a Bassist so if we do it together, I think it’s going to be fun.

14. What song do you listen recently?
Key: Justin Bieber’s songs.

15. What is your role in SHINee?
Key: I think a role as a bridge.

16. Which member are you going to take to a deserted island?
Key: Taemin.

17. Your Favorite Food and least Favorite Food?
Key: My least Favorite food is Carrot. Recently, I love Italian foods. Pasta and Italian Salad Dressing is especially delicious.

18. Your happiest moment recently?
Key: My Birthday party. I called a lot of my friends and we held a party and it was really fun.

19. What do you most concern about now?
Key: It’s Fashion. For now, I’m anxious about Autumn/Winter Fashion.

20. What do you want to do until the end of the year?
Key: I think receiving an award.

21. This is the only thing I can’t beat to no one.
Key: I think being greedy. I want to do a lot of things. Without realizing by myself I did a lot of things that I like to do.

22. What would you say if you meet yourself during your debut?
Key: Go/Take more lessons!

23. A single word for yourself.
Key: “I love You.” I’m not a worthy person so I love myself. I’m mediocre.

24. For Next Year, What is your promise?
Key: I’ll do my best next year more than this year. In overseas and in the country as well.

25. Messages for the reader.
Key: Compare to the other countries, I think Japan has more international exchange in South Korea. Through this magazine, we are happy if you can get information about K-pop and about us.


Q. Your 1st impression of Minho?
A. When I saw him, suddenly I thought he is a foreigner. And I thought he is older than me.

Q. If you compare him to a color?
A. Black.

Q. A message for Minho!

A. I want to become more closer to him. This is my wish so I don’t know what Minho is thinking….. (Laughs)

Trans By : winkme @soompi

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