Tuesday, November 16, 2010

[INFO] Key will be taking college entrance exam this year/2011 161110

아이돌 그룹 샤이니의 멤버 키 역시 올해 수능에 임한다. 키는 91년생이지만 지난 해 음반 활동에 전념하기 위해 시험을 미뤄 올해 많은 팬들의 응원 속에 치르게 된다.

[TRANS] Idol Group SHINee member Key will also take the college entrance exam this year. Key, born in 1991, postponed the exam to focus on album activites last year and is now preparing for the exam amidst cheers from fans.

Source : TV Report
Translation Credit: jujugal @ soompi
Cr : Mrs.Minho @ SWM

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