Monday, July 26, 2010

[STARCALL] Jessica SNSD StarCall mention SHINee


Hello, I am SNSD’s Jessica.Happy to see everyone!

The weather had been humid these few days, did everyone take care of your health?

For me, I’ve been going around with my schedules in a state of pink health!

This summer, there’s something you can look out for!

SHINee had released a new song (album). It’s a dancing type of song.

It’s not bad. Everyone must listen to it!

Please support SHINee, Everyone!

Also, SNSD!And ofcourse, Jessica!Bye bye!

Video Credit:vul3a04SNSDin9 @ YT

Translation Credit: Forever_SHINee 1st Admin

1 comment:

  1. Jessica! Are you really Jessica? OMG!!! I am so excited! you are Jessica aren't you? wow! I am also at Blogger like you! mine is blog bunny.
    my email is oh and plssss email me! I am your no. 1 fan! I love you so much. I am also a girl you know! bye~
